Wednesday, May 8, 2013


The breaking news alerts were coming like bullets in a high-capacity magazine.

**House passes bill to allow concealed guns in public places like...wait for it...restaurants and bars...Where alcohol is served. Bring your guns to parks and college campuses, too. Only the current combination of ignorance and arrogance from lawmakers could be worse.

**House repeals NC's 40-year-old minor's consent law that encourages teens to seek medical care for sexually transmitted diseases, substance abuse, mental disorders, HIV/AIDS and unintended pregnancies. Incest and rape does not happen in the rose-colored world of "family values."

**Separate oversight charter school board formed. The state school board cannot overrule this group. No background checks are needed for charter school teachers. One iteration of the bill provided that a college degree would not be required for charter school teachers. And most of this from a former superintendent. Hideous.

**The Senate rolls out long-awaited tax code rewrite. It promises "tax cuts for "hard-working families." This is the crowd that repealed the Earned Income Tax Credit that has been shown to lift WORKING families out of poverty. Guess it depends on which families.

**Sex selective abortions will no longer be tolerated. Never mind the fact that this supposed scourge doesn't exist in NC. Just another barrier to abortion services. Shame on the woman who introduces this ideological garbage.

**Drug tests will be required to get Medicaid and food stamps. Recipients will be reimbursed for the cost of the test if it comes back clean. If we can't afford food, we can't afford a $100 unnecessary drug test.

**Eligibility for Pre-K programs will be drastically cut back. The lifelong benefits to children and society are indisputable. NC has been a national model for Early Childhood Education for years. But, it was created by a Democratic governor. MUST DESTROY.

I am breaking out in hives. The GOP mysoginist, minority-hating, extremist, right-wing religious zealots are ruining North Carolina. With every news alert, I keep scratching.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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